Solutions Evodeaf

Evodeaf Solutions

The Evodeaf Solutions

Sectors in which to use Evodeaf

There are many areas in which Evodeaf can make the difference and offer a communication inclusive. From private companies to public administration, from the spa at the sports field, the solutions of Evodeaf adapt to the needs of different contexts, opening up new possibilities of connection and understanding between people who are deaf and hard of hearing. Evodeaf, in other words, has the potential to overcome language barriers and to ensure an experience of communication inclusive, allowing everyone to express themselves and participate fully in today's society.

Private sector

Evodeaf enables companies to communicate effectively with clients suffering from deafness creating a welcoming environment, new solutions to all.

Administrative sector

L'app of Evodeaf, it also promotes accessibility and inclusion, allowing fluid communication, in government offices, schools, hospitals, and other administrative contexts.

Wellness & sport

Evodeaf, finally, allows instructors, coaches and athletes to communicate without limits, creating an inclusive environment and solutions where all can participate fully and enjoy the benefits of sport and wellbeing.

Evodeaf is, without a doubt, a powerful tool for the school and the teachers. Thanks to this innovative solution opens the way to more effective access to education for deaf students. Through the interpretation of virtual gestures and words, teachers can, therefore, ensure that students with deafness understand the lessons, participate actively in the class discussions, and receive clear and accurate information.

Its unparalleled ability to break down the communication barrier between deaf students and the academic world is crucial. With Evodeaf creates a deeper connection between teachers and students with deafness. This, in turn, promotes a learning experience that is more inclusive, in which every individual has the opportunity to express themselves and to make progress.

There is no doubt that the integration of this advanced technology within the classroom will help to create an educational environment that is more empathetic and accessible. With Evodeaf, the school becomes, without a shadow of a doubt, a place where the academic success and personal development will become a reality for every student, regardless of their hearing ability.


Check out a preview of all the features of evodeaf

two-way communication

Two-Way Communication

comunicazione bidirezionale Thanks to the help of the virtual, gestures, and words come to life in a harmonious synergy. Quest’app represents a genuine bridge between the two worlds, allowing a two-way communication is fluid and natural. For the deaf opens a universe of possibilities, breaking the language barrier that sometimes the island. For the deaf) l’app it offers a window into the richness and expressiveness of the Sign language, promuovendo l’inclusione e arricchendo il bagaglio di conoscenze. Questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria mira a mettere in comunicazione il mondo degli udenti con quello dei sordi, dove il primo, fino a questo momento, manca degli strumenti giusti per riuscire ad interagire nel modo corretto con il secondo. Questo consente di migliorare la qualità della vita di tutte le persone coinvolte, promuovendo l’integrazione sociale e aprendo nuove opportunità di interazione e comprensione reciproca.
evodeaf wiki

Evodeaf Wiki

comunicazione bidirezionaleEvodeaf Wiki is a dedicated function to Sign language Italian and five other languages pre-set. This revolutionary tool allows you to deaf people who do not know the Sign language easy access to a wide range of signs and words. Thanks to the help of the virtual, users can explore and learn new signs, thus improving their knowledge and mastery of the Sign language. This section of the Wiki is a treasure trove of information that is accessible and inclusive, helping to improve the quality of life of deaf people.
evideaf scan

Evodeaf Scan

comunicazione bidirezionale The function Evodeaf Scan is a tool that offers a new level of accessibility. Users can enable the camera and compose a text. This photo is automatically translated in Sign languagemaking the content accessible to the deaf or hearing impaired. This innovative technology expands the opportunities for communication and inclusion, allowing everyone to understand and participate in the dialogue. Evodeaf Scan represents a big step toward a society that is more equitable and inclusive for all.
evodeaf chat

Evodeaf Chat

comunicazione bidirezionale Thanks to the function of Evodeaf Chat, users can communicate between them via a chat dedicated in-house. This creates a community in which people can share experiences, offer support and answer to the various needs and requirements. This chat is a place where the Sign language it combines the power of human connection, creating an environment that is inclusive and welcoming. Evodeaf Chat breaks barriers, facilitating communication and by promoting the formation of a solid community.
evodeaf car

Evodeaf Car

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf is aapp extraordinary that goes beyond the translation of Sign language. Thanks to its function and “Car”, the device becomes able to recognize and interpret the audio signals from the external world. This function is particularly useful when you are driving, the system is able to detect the presence of ambulances or emergency vehicles and to issue an alert immediately. This helps to ensure road safety and helps users take proper precautions in order to facilitate the passage of these emergency unit. Evodeaf Car combines technology and safety, making the driving more safe and efficient for all.
evodeaf kids

Evodeaf Kids

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf kids is a section within theapp evodeaf that makes learning fun for children. Thanks to this function you can learn the Sign language through the game. The interactive interface and colorful involving the small-scale users in stimulating activities that help them to memorize the signs and become familiar with the Language in a natural and fun way. Evodeaf Kids makes learning an adventure with a playful, allowing kids to explore a whole new world of communication, inclusive. This special section is a valuable tool to facilitate thelearning sign Language from an early age.
evodeaf maps

Evodeaf Map

comunicazione bidirezionaleEvodeaf Map born to become a true point of reference for the world of the deaf and of the users of the platform. Our mission has always been to develop step by step our application, by inserting constantly giving us new features that promote inclusion. Inside Evodeaf Map users will be able to search for activities that use tools Evodeaf, therefore, that use or will use our hardware and software. The activities in the platform have actively participated in the development of the software, confirming their presence and support for up to 2025, the year in which our software will be on the market with full of its functions.
evodeaf community

Evodeaf Community

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf Community is a function that allows you to connect with other people in the community. This connection is critical to provide and receive assistance in case of need and urgency. Users can find support, share experiences and offer mutual support. The solidarity and empathy are the pillars of this community, creating an environment of support and understanding. Evodeaf Community amplifies the force of human connection, by providing a network of support to face the challenges of the day. Together, we can overcome the difficulties and create a future that's inclusive for all.
interactive kiosk

Evodeaf Totem

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf evolves thanks to an innovative totem digital. This totem represents an important solution to help people with hearing to interface and/or offer their services to deaf people. Through the projection of messages in Sign languagethe totem digital eliminates the barriers of accessibility, enabling anyone to offer or to receive assistance in an effective way. This cutting-edge technology projects your company in the future, demonstrating a concrete commitment towards equality and accessibility, and at the same time getting a slice of the much wider audience, giving life to new collaborations and interactions of success.
avatar holographic

Avatar Holographic

comunicazione bidirezionale The avatar holographic Evodeaf is a vital step in the field of communication, inclusive. It is a projection holographic that combines technology and artificial intelligence to create a companion virtual can translate, in real time, the words Sign language. This technology offers an interactive and engaging experience, allowing users to ask questions, receive information, and enjoy communication without limits. Evodeaf represents the future of communication is inclusive and opens up new possibilities for a life without language barriers.


Check out a preview of all the features of Evodeaf

Two-Way Communication

comunicazione bidirezionale Thanks to the help of the virtual, gestures, and words come to life in a harmonious synergy. Quest’app represents a genuine bridge between the two worlds, allowing a two-way communication is fluid and natural. For the deaf opens a universe of possibilities, breaking the language barrier that sometimes the island. For the deaf) l’app it offers a window into the richness and expressiveness of the Sign language, promuovendo l’inclusione e arricchendo il bagaglio di conoscenze. Questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria mira a mettere in comunicazione il mondo degli udenti con quello dei sordi, dove il primo, fino a questo momento, manca degli strumenti giusti per riuscire ad interagire nel modo corretto con il secondo. Questo consente di migliorare la qualità della vita di tutte le persone coinvolte, promuovendo l’integrazione sociale e aprendo nuove opportunità di interazione e comprensione reciproca.

Evodeaf Wiki

comunicazione bidirezionaleEvodeaf Wiki is a dedicated function to Sign language Italian and five other languages pre-set. This revolutionary tool allows you to deaf people who do not know the Sign language easy access to a wide range of signs and words. Thanks to the help of the virtual, users can explore and learn new signs, thus improving their knowledge and mastery of the Sign language. This section of the Wiki is a treasure trove of information that is accessible and inclusive, helping to improve the quality of life of deaf people.

Evodeaf Scan

comunicazione bidirezionale The function Evodeaf Scan is a tool that offers a new level of accessibility. Users can enable the camera and compose a text. This photo is automatically translated in Sign languagemaking the content accessible to the deaf or hearing impaired. This innovative technology expands the opportunities for communication and inclusion, allowing everyone to understand and participate in the dialogue. Evodeaf Scan represents a big step toward a society that is more equitable and inclusive for all.

Evodeaf Chat

comunicazione bidirezionale Thanks to the function of Evodeaf Chat, users can communicate between them via a chat dedicated in-house. This creates a community in which people can share experiences, offer support and answer to the various needs and requirements. This chat is a place where the Sign language it combines the power of human connection, creating an environment that is inclusive and welcoming. Evodeaf Chat breaks barriers, facilitating communication and by promoting the formation of a solid community.

Evodeaf Car

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf is aapp extraordinary that goes beyond the translation of Sign language. Thanks to its function and “Car”, the device becomes able to recognize and interpret the audio signals from the external world. This function is particularly useful when you are driving, the system is able to detect the presence of ambulances or emergency vehicles and to issue an alert immediately. This helps to ensure road safety and helps users take proper precautions in order to facilitate the passage of these emergency unit. Evodeaf Car combines technology and safety, making the driving more safe and efficient for all.

Evodeaf Kids

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf kids is a section within theapp evodeaf that makes learning fun for children. Thanks to this function you can learn the Sign language through the game. The interactive interface and colorful involving the small-scale users in stimulating activities that help them to memorize the signs and become familiar with the Language in a natural and fun way. Evodeaf Kids makes learning an adventure with a playful, allowing kids to explore a whole new world of communication, inclusive. This special section is a valuable tool to facilitate thelearning sign Language from an early age.

Evodeaf Map

comunicazione bidirezionaleEvodeaf Map born to become a true point of reference for the world of the deaf and of the users of the platform. Our mission has always been to develop step by step our application, by inserting constantly giving us new features that promote inclusion. Inside Evodeaf Map users will be able to search for activities that use tools Evodeaf, therefore, that use or will use our hardware and software. The activities in the platform have actively participated in the development of the software, confirming their presence and support for up to 2025, the year in which our software will be on the market with full of its functions.

Evodeaf Community

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf Community is a function that allows you to connect with other people in the community. This connection is critical to provide and receive assistance in case of need and urgency. Users can find support, share experiences and offer mutual support. The solidarity and empathy are the pillars of this community, creating an environment of support and understanding. Evodeaf Community amplifies the force of human connection, by providing a network of support to face the challenges of the day. Together, we can overcome the difficulties and create a future that's inclusive for all.

Evodeaf Totem

comunicazione bidirezionale Evodeaf evolves thanks to an innovative totem digital. This totem represents an important solution to help people with hearing to interface and/or offer their services to deaf people. Through the projection of messages in Sign languagethe totem digital eliminates the barriers of accessibility, enabling anyone to offer or to receive assistance in an effective way. This cutting-edge technology projects your company in the future, demonstrating a concrete commitment towards equality and accessibility, and at the same time getting a slice of the much wider audience, giving life to new collaborations and interactions of success.

Avatar Holographic

comunicazione bidirezionale The avatar holographic Evodeaf is a vital step in the field of communication, inclusive. It is a projection holographic that combines technology and artificial intelligence to create a companion virtual can translate, in real time, the words Sign language. This technology offers an interactive and engaging experience, allowing users to ask questions, receive information, and enjoy communication without limits. Evodeaf represents the future of communication is inclusive and opens up new possibilities for a life without language barriers.